| Crossveil 2022 |

Status: OK//Safe Mode

Checking for any abnormalities....

Server Maintenance in Progress....

Hi Sinner. ♥ //Greeting//

Bare fangs at the heavens!

Update 4.777 - 03/26/2024 3:17 AM

hiya. long time no see.

updated the frontpage, aboutpage, & artpage

journal update in the future. along w/ shop.

//kept ya waiting huh..?

Update 4.6 - 01/02/2024 9:35 PM

are you still there?

I fixed some things outside of this space.

Update 4.5 - 11/12/2022 9:52 AM

The sound is up! And we have comms!

//I'm sorry to the test subjects whose ears were BTFO'd on initial testing....

||Connection to the Alterhuman Webring has been established.||

Update - 11/12/2022 8:38 AM

Added a highlight feature to the site. Should be working in the About section.

//Also I recommend refreshing your cache when you come by.//

Also added latest piece in Art . u.

Update 4.0.1 - 11/11/2022 10:51 PM

Over 1500 ?? w h o a. hi. also thank you very much for the commments. ^^7

Added stamps in the Personal Log (About) if you wanna show your support ^^

Looking Glass System will be up soon to show others of the Veil.

Update 3.7/Rev. - 11/11/2022 10:55 AM

Checked the look of the system through other means, bit of disturbances in the text.

So I tweaked it a bit ^^

Hope it looks better. Methinks it do.

Also new Entry in the Journal!

Update 3.3333... - 11/10/2022 8:49 PM

Added more stuff to the Art Section! (w/ Buttons!)

Found some more old art ehehe..

Also, general maintenance! Like making the buttons more pretty. :3

Update 3.03 - 11/10/2022 10:47 AM

VM Talk Entry in the Journal Section.

Also, general maintenance here and there.

Hopefully we can get sound working in here at some point, hehe. Missing out.

Update 2.5 - 11/09/2022 8:25 PM

New Entry and Studies in Journal Section.

Drink Fountain is fixed.

Update 2.1/X - 11/09/2022 4:34 PM

Changed look of buttons on Journal Entries for better navigation.

//Also good gracious, over 500 views? Hiya new Sinners, welcome to the veil!//

Update 2 - 11/09/2022 12:04 PM

Added stuff to the Art Section!

Also added an entry in the journal.

Update 1.5 - 11/08/2022 7:05 PM

// Also. Ijusthadaheartattackforamoment.


Update 1 - 11/08/2022 5:30 PM

hello world. Site has been updated for the first time and is online.

//I am very much new to this and I hope you like your visit.//

// Also over 100 views?? My, you are curious. //

Connection Established // Meshnet Found

Welcome to Crossveil, Sinner.

"Pondering my orb and life. One step at a time."
